Build ===== Contributors can build El-MAVEN on Windows, Ubuntu or Mac systems by following these instructions. Users are recommended to download the installers provided `here `_. Windows ------- * Download `MSYS2 `_ installer and follow the installation instructions provided on their website. * Open MSYS2 and give the following commands to set up libraries and tool chains for El-MAVEN. Reopen MSYS2 when required: * For 64 bit :: $ pacman --force -Sy $ pacman --force -Syu $ pacman --force -Su $ pacman --force -Sy base-devel msys2-devel mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain mingw-w64-x86_64-qt5 mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-hdf5 mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-netcdf mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-boost msys/git * For 32 bit :: $ pacman --force -Sy $ pacman --force -Syu $ pacman --force -Su $ pacman --force -Sy base-devel msys2-devel mingw-i686-toolchain mingw-i686-qt5 mingw32/mingw-i686-hdf5 mingw32/mingw-i686-netcdf mingw32/mingw-i686-boost msys/git * Open mingw64.exe from the MSYS2 folder and give the following commands: :: $ cd #for example: cd /c/User/Admin/Desktop $ git clone $ ./ $ ./bin/El_Maven_0.x #for example: ./bin/El_Maven_0.2 El-MAVEN loads with two windows: one for logging the application status and another for data analysis. Ubuntu ------ * Open the terminal and give the following commands to set up the libraries and tool chains for El-MAVEN: :: $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install g++ $ sudo apt-get install qt5-qmake qtbase5-dev qtscript5-dev qtdeclarative5-dev libqt5webkit5-dev libsqlite3-dev libboost-all-dev lcov libnetcdf-dev $ cd #for example: user@pc:~$ cd Desktop/ $ git clone $ ./ $ ./bin/El_Maven_0.x #for example: ./bin/El_Maven_0.2 El-MAVEN loads with two windows: one for logging the application status and another for data analysis. MacOS ----- * Install Xcode from App store * Download and Install `Qt5.6 `_ This will give you the Qt5.6.2 dmg file. Using the dmg file install Qt under the directory /Users/Your_User_Name/ * Using the terminal execute the following commands: :: $ sudo xcodebuild -license accept $ xcode-select --install $ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" $ brew install boost $ brew install llvm@3.7 $ brew install netcdf $ cd ~ $ touch .profile $ echo "PATH=/Users/$USER/Qt5.6.2/5.6/clang_64/bin/:$PATH" > .profile $ source .profile $ mkdir ~/maven_repo $ cd ~/maven_repo $ git clone $ cd ElMaven $ source ~/.profile $ qmake CONFIG+=debug -o Makefile $ make -j4 Switching Versions ------------------ Users can switch between versions once they have compiled El-MAVEN successfully on their system. Follow these steps to pull a specific `release `_: * Choose the version you wish to install from the list of releases. (We recommend the version tagged "Current Release". Past releases are not stable and should be avoided) * Find the version tag (v0.2.x, 0.1.x, etc) on the left of release notes. * Open your terminal and move to the installation folder * Give the following commands in the terminal: :: $ cd ElMaven $ ./ $ git checkout develop $ git pull $ git checkout v0.x.y (Example: v0.4.1) * Build the new version using the following commands: * For Windows and Ubuntu :: $ ./ * For MacOS :: $ source ~/.profile $ qmake CONFIG+=debug -o Makefile $ make -j4